
Durian in Singapore: my experience with the king of fruits

Durian in Singapore

Food is my obsession and traveling helps to collect new flavors and tastes. Singapore brought into my collection something absolutely brand new — the king of fruits. Eating durian for the first time in Singapore was a hard task.

I’ve heard from my friends that durian smells like rotten onions and has unique taste which makes some people so crazy about it. Though extreme eating is not about me, I decided to try this famous and the stinkiest fruit in the world.

Foreigner eating durian for the first time video

My local friends brought me to a place where they sell pastry with durian cream, which preserves 100% flavor and taste of the fruit. From the very first smell contact I realized, that it is going to be at least unusual. When it comes to eating durian for the first time, don’t smell it.

So not to change my mind I decided just to go for it. Hope in the video below, where I eat durian for the first time under supervision of local Singapore people, will fully reflect how much I liked it.

As you can see that was not my taste. Moreover until I ate the dinner that day, the flavor of durian echoed inside of making me shiver.

Dirty socks

I need to beg a pardon to all the people who love durian and eat it on regular bases (and there are many of them both in Singapore and abroad), but the first thought I had after tasting it, was about my dirty socks I left in a bag after a football game for a week. It was absolutely disgusting.

They told me that you should give the king of the fruits the second chance and may be after the acknowledgment will come to me, but with all my respect, I doubt that there is a possibility for me to come close to durian again. I was eating durian for the first time, but not the least for sure.

Why do people eat this fruit?

I need to admit that on the dark side of durian fans there are many people, otherwise it would not be so popular and well-known. Roughly speaking according to the locals the votes for and against take 50 – 50. More over the fruit is healthy and very nutritious.

eating durian for the first time

There are some myths about durian and true facts. So before you want to try it, have a look at the following lists.


  1. Durian is rich in nutrients – true
  2. Durian can cause weight gain – true
  3. People with diabetes must limit their durian intake – true
  4. Durian is an instant energizer – true


  1. Durian is loaded with cholesterol – false
  2. Mangosteen must be eaten with durian to reduce heat – false
  3. Eating durian and drinking beer at the same time may kill you – false
  4. Eating durian can boost your libido – false

What do people say about its flavor?

It tastes like completely rotten mushy onions

Andrew Zimmern, host of Bizarre Foods

Like eating raspberry blancmange in the lavatory

Anthony Burgess, author

Its odour is best described as pig shit, turpentine and onions garnished with a dirty gym sock

Richard Sterling, food writer

Your breath will smell as if you’ve been french kissing your dead grandmother

Anthony Bourdain, chef and TV host

I hope that my experience of eating durian for the first time will help you to make the step towards tasting the fruit. Because until you make it, you never know if you like it. And before thinking that it is crazy to eat a stinky fruit, remember that there are some many people in the world, who eat French cheeses and find them amazing. Don’t forget to leave in comments below your attitude towards durian and its flavor.

Time to eat
Vova Novaque
Prague expert, photographer, guide and traveler. Love every of 100 spires in Prague.