Czechia Prague

Life hacks that will help you to enjoy every flight


Traveling is closely linked with the fear of flights. A lot of my friends face this problem. Therefore I decided to compile the tips and advices for you. Learn, how to enjoy flights and make every trip full of joy and happiness.

Usually travelers may have problems in the airport at the passport control. On board of the plane there can also be issues, that can spoil the trip. Read and remember how to enjoy flights.

Security control in the airport

  • Put your keys, mobile phones, purses and coins in the smallest partition of the bag. It will save your time during security check.
  • Check-in online and you won’t waste your time in a queue on a registration desk.
  • Do not choose the queue with small children as their parents will be checked longer;
  • Business-class passengers or Priority program members can go through security control faster and take one passenger with. Remember and it is a good point of how to enjoy flights.

On the board

  • Try to choose your seats as closer to the front part of the plain as possible. There is not so much noise from the turbines. In same airplanes the most comfortable seats are just after the business-class. But keep in mind, that priority is always given to moms with kids. Watch out!
  • In autumn and winter period try to be one of the first passengers on the board. If you step in among the last ones, there is a high risk not to place your baggage.
  • Upper shelves in a wide-body aircraft are wider in the middle of the cabin.
  • How to enjoy flights? Bring a hoody. It will be your best friend during the flight: it can warm you up, save your eyes from annoying light.
  • If you take with yourself an air cushion, inflate it for two third, in other case it will blow out.


  • In case there is something tangible and fragile in your baggage, tell the staff about it at the registration. The assistant will mark the suitcase with a spacial sticker “fragile”.
  • Take a suit bag, if you don’t want your clothes get wrinkled. If you don’t want your suit or dress soak smell of the cabin, put several fruit chewing gums in the pockets.
  • They loose a lot of baggage on transit flights. Get ready for that. For example in Prague airport it also happens.
  • In case your baggage is lost, the waiting time can be from two hours to several days. Be ready to buy all the necessary things right after arrival.

Duty Free

  • Don’t buy souvenirs in Duty Free shops, as they are more expensive there than on touristic streets of a city you are leaving.
  • In Japanese Duty Free you will find the cheapest alcohol and electronic devices, cheaper cosmetics is in Indian one and clothes in French.
  • Keep in mind, that there are quantity restrictions for buying items in Duty Free shops.

Traveling with children: how to enjoy flights

  • Children under the age of two years can fly for free.
  • Some companies provide additional service: they escort kid of five years and older.
  • If you fly with a newly-born child, order a flight baby bassinet one day prior to the flight and remind the crew about during the boarding.
  • If you fly with several children, you will have 25-50% discount for the second and the third child.
  • Some companies allow to use car seat during the flight. Check it before the flight and ask whether there is appropriate baby food on the board. Good advice of how to enjoy flights for the kids.

Have a nice flight! And if there are any other advice you can give and share with my friends from your experience in comments.